Pathology Vs Criminology

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One of the most challenges that a scientist faces is trying to explain ways in which science works to non-scientists. Science is one of the many ways on knowing that has best been developed by the human mind. In pathological science the scientists are known to be honest and at the same seem to be fooling themselves (Park, 2000). This happens when a scientist who originally conformed to a certain scientific method, without knowing diverts from the method and begins a process of data interpretation. This means that it lacks objectivity, this results in errors being made in the field of science (Park, 2000).
Is criminology a pathological science?
Criminology can be defined as scientific study of the extent, nature, control, causes, …show more content…

I disagree with the statement that criminology is a pathological science. It deals more with human behavior which is something that is being practices. People who have studied criminology work in centers that deal with crimes in order to assist in carrying out investigations. This is aided by the behavior and social status of an individual (Park, 2000). When an issue in criminology is solved it normally not a ticket to assume it and jump to another. It adds up onto the knowledge and skills in order to solve future problems with much …show more content…

Research is important to the society and the researchers have the responsibility of reflecting on their knowledge and the work done since it might as well be used by the society. Science is based on certain values to aid in successful research; fairness, honesty, openness and collegiality. The values serve as guidelines in the everyday life and also in research. They have resulted in the production of an enterprise that is scientific of unparalleled productivity, usefulness and creativity. Honoring the values will ensure that science and the society that it serves prosper (Park,