
Criminology Differ From Other Perspectives Of Crime Essay

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How does criminology differ from other perspectives of crime?
Criminology differ from other perspectives of crime, due to the fact it uses different theories to identify criminal behavior. So were as the perspective of crime focus more on protecting society, criminology focuses more on the individuals who are committing the crimes.
How does a good theoretical explanation of crime go beyond simply predicting crime?
The use of good theoretical explanation goes beyond simple prediction of crime, simply because it provides an understanding why the person is evolved in criminal activity. The explanation also goes in depth, or rather get to the root of the displayed behavior. Some of the theorist provide within criminology go as far to consider …show more content…

The reason for this explanation is that those deviant behaviors not deemed legal cause be a gate for criminal behavior that is illegal. The purpose of criminologist is to find an explanation of why someone is committing criminal activity and the providing a solution to deter or prevent such behaviors in the future.

Which types of theories do you think are most important: those that explain individual behavior (micro) or those that explain criminality among groups (macro)? Explain your response.
I think the micro theory is more important than macro, because it focus more so on the individual versus a group of people. Having this advantage allows you to provide the individual with solutions and mentorships. You monitor and individual behavior closer versus having a group who behavior may differ and its harder to monitor.

How and why has crime changed since the early 1900’s? Be sure to include major American milestones in your discussion.
Well crime since the early 1900’s has increased for the most part, crime in the 1900s was only focused on a small number of offense, were as now criminal activity is more evolved. The ways of reporting crimes have changed and the dynamics of law enforcement have changed since the 1900s. There are far more violent offenses than the

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