Patient Interview Paper

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I am so grateful to meet Christin Karell and had the opportunity to observe and learn of what she do and how she do her day to day interaction with her patients. Kristin has a natural compelling charm that can inspire devotion in others. With the personality, knowledge, and ability Christine has, her patients communicate to her in a very open and honest manner. She easily establish a therapeutic relationship with her patient which make it easier to address specific needs and problems. She works constantly with the patient on increasing problems solving skills which strengthen patient’s autonomy, learning new coping behaviors leading a patient to live life independently. Christine ways of therapeutic relationship creates a space where caring …show more content…

She individualized her communication with each patient. Most of the patient came in today has had a multiple encounter with her, but one patient is new today has never been in Christine’s office before nor had a Psych mental health consultation anywhere in her life. Christine welcome the patient with a warm greeting and shaking the patient’s hand while assisting the patient to the room and ask the patient to sit and feel comfortable. As the patient sit comfortably, Christine make a direct eye-contact, facing the patient at the same level with a sincere question, “what can I do for you today?” And as I was sitting in the same room observing and taking it all in what is going on learning from it. I saw a very effective way of starting a conversation just what Christine started conversing with the patient. Christine and the patient review the health history and background of the patient another way of the therapist learn about her patient and relate the patient condition. As the patient started to talk about herself and tell the reasons why she is there how it started and gets into the deep of the problem. The patient chief of complaint is panic attack that has been going on for less than a year now since, the husband is consuming more alcohol than usual. Her panic attack has becoming an everyday battle starting in the morning and lasting for several hours, and it’s affecting her relationship with her husband and daily functioning. As Christine actively listening and noting of what the patient is saying, and also trying to understand the patient’s verbal messages Christine tries to pause clarifying statements that patient stated, and makes follow-up questions as conversation move on. For example, what triggers the patient panic attack and any particular time during the day? Christine ask the patient what coping mechanisms the patient had tried to relieve it?