Patient Reflective Essay

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The patient is a 21 year old male who presented to the ED via LEO with auditory hallucination. Patient reports today the voices he hears daily were telling him to cut himself this morning. During the time of assessment the patient is laying in his bed, alert, and watching TV. The patient reports that recently his sleep has been poor. The patient reports that last night he was in his room and a voice of a little girl has telling him to come into the living room, however he choose not to comply with that command. The patient expresses that hearing these voice are usual throughout his day. The patient reports that depending on his mood the voice will tell him o harm himself. The patient reports this morning he was speaking to his father who asked him how his morning was going and a voice told him that he was feeling "terrible" and he should go in his room and cut himself, however the patient reports that he tells his father when he starts to have these thoughts and felt it was important to come to the hospital. The patient reports he has not cut in years, however has thoughts sometimes. The patient reports having 4 knives in his room because he like to collect them and was informed that having a history of cutting it would be best for those to be removed. The patient as no visible cut marks during the assessment. The patient sates, "my major …show more content…

The patient father was told condition for discharge, which were that the knives from his sons room would have to be removed and put in a protected place from his son, contract for his safety, and if he becomes concerned about a change in his sons behavior call 911 or bring him back to the hospital as soon as possible. The patient was made aware of conditions as well and agreed. The father reports the patient has an outpatient provide, which is

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