Pax Britannica Research Paper

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Pax Britannica is a period of domination of the British Empire at sea and in international relations since the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 and ending with the First World War of 1914-1918. Characterized by the proclamation of free trade and the abolition of slavery, the control of the British fleet over strategic maritime routes, the spread of English language around the world, parliamentarism, the invention of new technologies, legislative norms, the British system of measures and weights, and so on. The industrial revolution happed in England, earlier than in other countries. The main prerequisite for the industrial revolution was the change in technology. In the textile industry, it was creation and improvement of the loom. In 1771 …show more content…

The industrial revolution, in turn, contributed to the formation of a new economy and social structure. In the economy, the main role was played by the factory industry. The revolution in the middle of the 17th century in England, which eliminated a number of feudal survivals helped to create prerequisites for the rapid development of capitalism. The beginning of the capitalist era is the 17th century, the century of the discovery of new countries, which also meant the opening of new markets. The main layers of the English society were businessmen and employees, which indicated the formation of an industrial society in England. In the United States, the industrial revolution and, in general, the process of industrialization was organic, was caused by internal factors of the development of American society, and not forced by reforms "from above." There were no strong feudal institutions, so rapid modernization did not cause sharp contradictions in American society. By the middle of the XVIII century, English colonies in North America have reached a level of economic development that became successfully competing with the metropolis. This circumstance was the main cause of the military conflict that ended with the formation of an independent republic - the United States of America (War of Independence and the First American Revolution of 1775-1783). This civil war gave a great impetus to the further development of industrialization. US used British money for further industrialization. Increasing immigration also contributed to economic