Leadership In Pediatric Emergency Department Essay

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Leadership in Pediatric Emergency Department
Nurses are considered the crucial and single largest healthcare discipline that reflects the overall effectiveness of the healthcare setting (Chagani, 2015). In the daily life of a nurse, operating a successful shift requires managing difficult and challenging situations which largely depend on leadership skills. Over the past twenty years, leadership has been defined differently; however, definitions shared common phrases including influencing, communicating, persuading, innovating, and motivating. As stated in Gamble, Henners, Lackey, and Beaudin (2009) “leadership can be defined as a multifaceted process of identifying a goal or target, motivating other people to act, and providing support and …show more content…

This style focuses on encouraging open communication with other staff nurses and involving them in the decision-making process. So basically, the leader collect information, ideas, and feedbacks from the nurses and other healthcare providers to come up with a finalized goal or decision that will affect the process of delivering care. In this case, the staff nurses will be valued and encouraged to act independently to achieve the optimal care for all patients. According to Flood et al. (2015) democratic leadership style is better applied in those rapidly moving environments including ED. Moreover, this type of leadership provides a great deal of flexibility in terms of change; thus, it brings the best experience of all nurses to achieve quality improvements in any specialization. The third leadership style which was mentioned as the least preferred to be applied in the pediatric ED is autocratic style (Raup, 2008). The style hinders nurses and healthcare providers to act autonomously. The leader discourages individuals to question the validity of any directions. They should follow and obey instructions under watchful supervision. Therefore, nurses tend to turnover from pediatric ED into a place that value their participation. Also, the most affected population is pediatrics patients who need immediate …show more content…

There are two leadership styles, which will help me to guide and improve my clinical practice skills as a fourth year student and as a new grad nurse which are transformational and democratic styles. Those styles will assist me to develop skills which will help me to be pediatric ED nurse such as communicating, influencing, innovating, encouraging, and inspiring. I also need to address some of my weaknesses including successful transition, physical stamina, emotional stability, critical thinking skills, and working in stressful environment. The major goal will be to achieve immediate care for pediatric patient in the ED to avoid any