People Are Really Good At Heart Analysis

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There are many ways to respond to conflict and hardships. Some people get angry and distraught, while others get sad and depressed. There are many times in life where someone faces a challenge, whether big or small, and has to make a conscious decision about how they are going to respond.The best way to get through these hardships and difficulties is to have a positive attitude and unbreakable spirit, no matter what. Take people like Anne Frank, for instance. She had to stay optimistic during the Holocaust, a time when her life was in danger and she was oppressed by the Nazis and most of Germany. During hiding and up until her death in a concentration camp in 1944, she managed to stay optimistic and keep a positive attitude. She wrote in her diary, “In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can’t build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery, and death.” This shows that even after all she has been through, she still manages to stay positive and optimistic. Even though Anne Frank did not make it, she lived her last years better than a spiteful or depressed person would. Elie Wiesel survived life in a concentration camp and kept an unbreakable spirit. He described his time as this, It all happened so fast. The ghetto. The deportation. The sealed cattle car. The fiery altar upon which the history of our …show more content…

Mostly, it was because of wartime hysteria and prejudice. However, some people managed to endure it with a positive attitude and a willing spirit. After the war, many people came home to find they had nothing left. Most of them lost valuables and their jobs. They had to go back into the world optimistically to get new jobs and make a life for themselves. Without a willing spirit some of these people would not have been able to get their feet back on the ground and start