'People In Ally Condie's Matched'

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In the book, Matched, written by Ally Condie, Realistic Fiction, in a society where people choose who you love, where you work, and when you die. Cassie and Ky are living in this world where they don’t know whether to follow their hearts or the rules. I don’t think that Cassie and Ky are bad people but are being controlled by people. The reason I think this is because, Cassie is just like everyone else, after the rules then, becomes her own person who wants to think for herself. I believe that the person who is the head person of this system/operation is not there because they want peace but want power and control over people.My reasons for thinking this is that the person behind all of this is bad, she kills and doesn't wait for their time …show more content…

Ally Condie tells us, “Today is Sunday, it is Grandfather’s eightieth birthday so tonight he will die” (69). This shows that he knows he is about to die and so does other people but the society people think that it’s o.k because they grew up knowing that when you turn 80 you die. What is even more messed up about it is that this man is still in great shape and could live another 10 years. This shows that this society is brainwashing you to think that you can live your best life by dying at your eightieth …show more content…

Though Cassie and Ky have broken the rules and continue to break the rules I still think that what they are doing is not bad. This evidence is a poem that Cassie’s grandfather gave to Cassie but is not allowed and they shouldn’t have it. I know why it spoke to Grandfather: Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage, against the dying of the light. Though wise men at their end know dark is right, Because their words had forked no lightning they Do not go gentle into that good night, (Ally Condie 97). In this part the society doesn't want this poem because it encourages people to stand up for themselves, that is why they have only 100 poems, 100 pictures that people have painted, and 100 of everything else, just because they wanted to get rid of these artifacts that encourage what they don’t want. This is one of many rules that Ky and Cassie have broken but if the society didn’t have to cover up what they don’t want people to know when they would be perfectly normal people. This being said, it tells you that though Cassie and Ky may break the rules by having this poem they are following their hearts to what humans once