Summary Of The Novel Matched: Condie's Use Of Imagery

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How would you feel if you were trapped in a society where you have no say so? What would you do and how would you react? In the novel Matched, Condie’s use of imagery and foreshadowing signify that the purpose of this novel is to follow your heart. She signifies this with great detail on how the main characters feel and show their emotions. In this novel many rules are broken by Cassia and Ky, this shows that no matter what society expects of them they will follow their heart and do what they feel is right. Also, Cassia and Ky both have their own secrets, no one in society knows about them other than Cassia and Ky. Condie’s use of imagery in this novel explains the secrets that the two of them share. Then, Cassia is not forsure of …show more content…

These two individuals do what they feel is right or what they feel has to be done even if it involves breaking the rules. Cassia and Ky do not let the rules of society control them completely. If they feel that they have to do something about a certain situation they will do anything in their power to do so for themselves and for their loved ones. In the novel Cassia quotes, “I feel disgust when I think of how we climb our little hills when the Officials say the word. How we hand over our most precious items at their bidding. How we never, ever fight.” This quote is explaining how she feels about having such little power in this society and how the thought of it disgusts her. She is determined to be different and not to listen to every law or rule that the Officials make. The use of foreshadow in this quote helps you better understand that Cassia is not going to be like everyone else, she will follow her heart and do what she feels should be done. Even though she knows that she will get caught eventually, that does not stop her from following her heart. Ky feels the same way. His secrets help complete him. Ky keeping secrets is him breaking the rules. But Ky knowing of or how something works and being the only one that can do that, calms him and puts him in his happy place. It reminds him of his home, where he is really from. They feel that what is in their heart is more important …show more content…

But she does not say anything about it in society because she wants to wait and see what her heart tells her and do what she feels is right. Cassia stays to herself about things so she does not get into any trouble. She feels that the confusion in her head should not be shared with anyone else. She also knows that sharing this information would cause many problems between her and the Officials because the society has already chosen her match. Cassia is supposed to accept this match made from society even if she doesn't like it because this society feels that they know what is best and want to make the decisions they feel are best. The novel quotes “Being with Ky, being with Xander- both things feel like standing in the light. Different types of light, but neither feels dark.” This quotes shows the confusion that Cassia has. She does not know whether to pick Ky or Xander, even though society has already picked for her. Cassia does not feel like there is a wrong choice, this just makes the situation harder on her. How would you pick between two right answers