Pepe The Frog Analysis

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Pepe the frog was a very fragile frog. He was not like most frogs in his village, he mostly spaced out when others played with each other, and he only walked and never jumped.His mom tried to get him to go and play but Pepe always refused.Until one day when he was in a pond, not far from his home. He picked this spot so others wouldn’t bug him or annoy him. The other frogs never bullied him, but they tried to encourage Pepe to join them in their games, but he didn’t want to play such games. The pond was damp and clean, the weather was always dry and the sky was always clear. Pepe the frog was missing out on his grandma’s birthday, he never liked going to parties. Instead he was out on a walk to the special pond, just to space out. When he arrived, …show more content…

My senses tell me everyday that mankind is coming to an end, but every time my senses tell me that the time is close, it always gets delayed, again, and again. But this time I’m sure it will, seeing these dreams let me see a better realty. I feel no emotions but inside I can try to feel something through Pepe’s mind. The humans, they continue to test me out, trying to stretch my Capabilities, adding one part to another, throwing away other useful prototypes, until I’m almost like man it self. I don’t know how or why they are creating me but whatever the reason is, it must be important because my creators work all day and night to create me. June 21, 2045, the day they let me go. Years before they helped me learn how to walk, read, but not talk. They made me do all things man can, do yet they didn’t let me have speech or give a say in the world. When they let me out into nature, they first led me to a forest and ran away so could never see them again. The forest was beautiful, or at let for my expectations, I’ve never been out in the outside world after all. The first living thing I encountered was a large tree, with a pink door, just the size for me. I went inside and my entire vision went black and white, as if I was in a 1900s movie. While I was still with my creator I used to watch 1900s movies with them. They let me watch them to see …show more content…

It was a room with paintings of a cottage and clouds all over the walls. The room was feeling damp and moist. In one of the walls, there was a small crack or opening. The opening had a bright light coming out of it, as if it wanted to get out. I put my finger in the opening and the wall shattered into pieces. I saw brights colors of sorts, the opening showed an meadow with trees and long grass all over the field, I was impressed. I wasn’t forcefully locked away when I was with my creators but now I feel free, one with nature and but forever alone. I went one step forward into the meadow and tried to remember what to when you are lost, but I didn’t what to remember, I wanted to stay here

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