Perception Approach And Interaction Essay

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3.3 Perception, Approach and Interaction First, we perceive what is going on around us by gathering and interpreting the information supplied by our senses. Perception is the interpretation of what we record .Each individual gives personal meaning to the information that enters the brain, thus making the data subjective rather than objective. Personal Style filter (our bias), we make decisions on how to approach the environment. Approach includes both moving away from people and things in the environment, and moving towards them. It also includes not doing anything--remaining in an observation position. While we are behaving in those modes, we continue to record information and perceive what data means to us personally. As that happens, new decisions are made for the way we will interact with the stimuli. Finally, we interact with the environment. That occurs the moment we stop observing the stimuli and become directly involved with it. Again, as interaction occurs, new information is recorded and …show more content…

There are no right or wrong responses. It typically takes about 10 minutes to complete the assessment questions. All your results are private. We are confident you find PSI more accurate and clear than any other assessment you had taken, including the MBTI and DISC. Can you recall a time when you have walked into a room and immediately had a connection with someone you had never met before? What about the opposite situation? You meet someone for the first time and something about him or her makes your skin crawl. What is creating those responses to two strangers? Our personalities are made up of many factors. Our Personal Style , however strongly drives our perceptions and our connections with others. You will have more chemistry with someone who is similar to you in terms of your preferences and the way you like to interact with the

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