Performance Management Vs Appraisal Paper

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Megan Vilmain

Fall 2015 Term 2
Management vs. Appraisal Assignment

I am working in the human resource department of a medium-sized accounting firm. And my project is to create a white paper document about performance management systems we currently use and create a proposal for a better option to use at our firm. I will be providing this document for the accounting managers and they are required to utilize the new performance measure to evaluate their subordinates.

I want to start off by giving a better understanding of the differences between performance management and performance appraisal. In our firm these two terms are sometimes used synonymously, but there are differences that need to be noted …show more content…

Biases can impact employee performance reviews in negative ways but also in a few positive ways as well. Being as objective within the review process as a manager, human resource staff, or any superior for that matter is extremely important in order to reduce the amount of bias involved. If you are not, it can cause misinterpretation of the staff and the company as a whole (Cascio, 2011). It is genuinely important that all managers and staff do their best to limit the biases when they can in order to uphold an effective workplace and have a well ran employee performance review …show more content…

The staff member being questioned about being bias towards an employee may overlook other issues with the particular employee because he or she is an over achiever in a different area. Nevertheless, this helps keep the employees in the dark from knowing about the errors in other areas that could be improved. This can hinder growth from employees because they believe they are doing well and overall looks bad for the organization because their employees are not improving to better the