Pericles Opinion Essay

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The Choice of a Lifetime A new front runner in the political world of Athens The real question being asked in this great city of Athens right now is who will lead us? Who has the ability to bring power? Who can bring wealth to the city of Athens? Who can unite us as the Athenian people? The answer to that question is Pericles of Athens he is who we need to lead us if you want Athens to be the best you must vote for Pericles. Pericles was born in 495 B.C.E. If you have never heard the name before still I want you to listen to his ideas and see for yourself all of the potential Pericles’s ideas have to shaping Athens for the better. If you want Athens to be the best it can be vote for Pericles. Pericles started his political journey in Athens in the courts. His archrival Cimon, Cimon is an aristocrat who has been accused of betraying Athens. Pericles believed that Cimon had betrayed Athens. From then on Pericles had devoted his time and efforts to prosecute and ostracize Cimon. This action shows that Pericles is not afraid to go after and get rid of the people who try to harm this great city of Athens. He is fully committed in growing and improving Athens. Pericles should be the clear answer to our problems and he …show more content…

Pericles has had interest and experience in military expertise so he has decided to run as a top general of Athens. He has visions of dedicating a temple to our goddess Athena. Pericles also wants to improve the economy and the wealth of Athens, who doesn’t want that to happen. His big idea to change our economy for the better, Pericles wants to bring the Delian league to Athens. To do this he will have to bring the treasury from the unbiased city of Delos to Athens. Pericles’s visions are not for him to benefit they are for us the people of our great city state to benefit, he wants to improve life in Athens not make it harder or