Persepolis Essay

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Iranian Women have been struggling with their identity and their lifestyle for years before the death of Masha Amini. The Novel Persepolis shows a representation of a young woman, Marji coming of age in Iran. She begins to gain curiosity in the topic of femininity and wants to fight back like her parents. Marji doesn't not fully understand the reasoning behind this strict society and it continues to unravel throughout the novel. The Iranian Society set a strict rule between the males and females of Iran. Women were overruled by tyranny in minutes and crimes were committed if their practice and structure were exactly the same as the books. Iranian Women had a slight bit of freedom during the revolution which caused a glimpse of euphoria for …show more content…

They were given a glimpse of rights and ways of life that they realized they deserved. Before the Iranian Revolution many Women stuck to their business, doing everything male and higher authority said. They had no other way of life, no knowledge of what else to do. “The Iranian Revolution had a huge impact on the Islamic world, and many young Muslims, discouraged by the corruption and ineffectiveness of the governments in their own countries, looked to Iran as a possible model of future changes” (Terry 3). The Iranian Revolution caused chaos, corruption, and destruction. However it showed women the possibility of freedom. It gave women a new idea of life, and they did not let that go. Men and women came together to fight back, and gained a new perspective. It gave other countries ideas to improve or possibly degenerate their society. It made women realize their worth, and not give up. After the Revolution people did not feel obligated to stay. New rules were being set, obligatory religion was implied. However, that did not stop women and men from fighting for rights. They lost their education and jobs, but they saw a world with equality and stood up for …show more content…

Masha Amini’s life ended due to her headscarf. Police were diabolical by killing her and then blaming it on her health. A mandatory clothing piece caused a woman's life. “Hijabs are mandatory to wear in public for all women in Iran, regardless of religion or nationality” (Kohli 1). Respect for your religion is one thing, however the death of a woman due to its looseness caused putschs. The women of Iran had finally had enough, they started protests in respect for Masha Amini. “Protests began after Amini’s funeral on Sept. 17 in her home region, the Kurdistan province in the country;s northwest, but quickly spread across Iran to as many as 80 cities and swelled in the capital, Tehran” (Kohli 2). Just like during the Iranian Revolution war, women protested. They saw a problem and went to make it right. Seeing a woman get killed due to a headscarf, not disrespect toward religion or Iran. Then a cover up to make it seem like a coincidence. Women fought for the right, they are still fighting for their

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