Example Of Nursing Philosophy Paper

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A personal philosophy of nursing allows nurses to guide and shape their practice. As Molzahn & Shields states, "we are in the privileged position of working closely with human beings and helping them deal with many aspects of the human condition" (2008, p.25). By working daily with patients who all have distinct and unique healthcare experiences, I believe that it is crucial to have a set of values and ethics that guide how we care for our patients. By holding Christian beliefs and values, I believe that it is important to care for other people the way Jesus cares for us, and to take time to notice the little glimpses of Christ shown in other people. When thinking about how I can have an impact on my patients, I keep in mind that "for most people, most of the time, God comes to us in the valleys and plains of life" (Doornbos, Groenhout, & Hotz, 2005, p.21). Sharing the love of Christ with my patients does not have to be in some extravagant and specific way, but can happen in the little moments of the day. In this paper, I will demonstrate my views of the metaparadigms of nursing and how they relate to my personal beliefs and experiences. I believe that a person should be treated and understood as more than just their medical diagnosis, and nurses should recognize their uniqueness and individuality. An environment constitutes the place where the nurse provides care for the patient, and can include the most insignificant parts of nursing care. The patient 's health is an