
Personal Essay: Marching Band

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At fourteen I began to explore relationships in a romantic sense. The summer between eighth and ninth grade a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to date her. By that point in my life I had spent the past year learning about different sexualities and figuring out that I did not fit into the definition of “straight” but rather bisexual. We dated for a month and a half, then I ended the relationship shortly after the new school year began. I had felt like I was not getting the attention I deserved and by that time someone else had started paying me attention. During the time school started marching band also began. In marching band, I had made new friends, one of these friends was a senior named Matt. I met Matt at a football game in Elida, Ohio, even though we had been in the same band for nearly 2 months by then we had not noticed each other before then. I recall that night as humorous on a few different levels. I had been sitting with an upperclassman in my section, I played trumpet, I was bored out of my mind because I did not have any interest in football. A guy, who ended up being Matt, came over and started talking to the upperclassman next to me about Magic the Gathering. Despite …show more content…

His confession was rather sweet; he had started off by saying “I have a crush on this girl, but I don’t know how to tell her.” He continued confessing his feelings in a roundabout way until I figured out it was me. I thanked him for his interest, but I was not sure I reciprocated his feelings. He told me that that was alright he just needed to get those feelings off his chest and that he was content just being my friend. As the next couple of weeks went along I started to question my feelings toward Matt, eventually coming to the conclusion that I really did like him and wanted to try dating

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