Personal Essay: Tuesdays With Morrie

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I have always been interested in books, since I was a little kid. I am one of those kids who'd like to play sports, could never sit down for too long, and always energetic. I bought a few books when I was a little kid, but I never finished them. They were always sitting on the bookshelf, where I put them. Sometimes I think I am just a book collector, since I don’t read any of them. I don’t have a crazy amount of books, but I do have enough to read often. I think one of the reasons why I am interested in book is because all the crazy covers on them, but then I never be able to sit down and really read it. Not until one challenge that complete turn me to a reader, which is the 30 challenge in where I have to read something for 15 minutes for …show more content…

My last year of high school, one of my ESL class assignment was to read a book. The book was about Mississippi trial in, 1995. That was the first book I ever finished, maybe the story was so interesting that it kept me reading it until the end. After this book, I didn’t really read another book until a couple year later when I was in my ESL class in college, where I had to read this book named Tuesdays With Morrie. I really liked the book, not because it was interesting, but because it was full of meaningful knowledge and lessons from a guy and his teacher, who is dying. The book left me wanting to read more books like this, so I can learn more about someone's knowledge or a new meaning that I am interested …show more content…

Maybe because I picked a book I am interested and passionate about. There still some moments, where I want to just stop reading and go do something else. I remember the first day when I sit down and open the book, I was thinking" Here we go, let do this". I only read author's notes, prologue, and foundations for the first day, but I took me a while because English is my second language. The next couples day reading session gone by pretty fast, maybe it was interesting because it talked about Adam Brown childhood. There were days where it got intense because it talked about how Adam Brown fall in love with a wrong girl, and start doing something bad. How he turned his life around by meeting his wife, and joined the Navy. At the last couple day of the reading challenge, it was pretty emotional because it talked about couple time how he got injured in mission or training. At the end, the books talked on how he made the ultimate sacrifice. At the end of the chapter it was pretty emotional, but I was happy I finished the 30 days