The Theoretical Framework Of Personal Learning Environments

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The theoretical perspective that provides a background for Personal Learning Environments (PLE) constructs a combination of educational theories. (as shown in Figure 1.1) Constructivism and connectivism lead to the self-regulated learning theory (SRL) which proposes that students can be self-regulated learners if “they are metacognitively, motivationally, and behaviorally active participants in their own learning process” (Zimmerman, , page ). The process of SRL consists of three phases: forethought, performance, and self-reflection, which could be established through PLEs.
Personal Learning Environments encompass the new developments in the relationship being established between information technology and learning, also known as technology-enhanced learning (TEL). According to the definition, PLEs are activity spaces in which students interact and communicate with one another and with experts by using loosely-coupled Web 2.0 tools; the ultimate result of this is the development of collective learning (Attwell; Wang ,2007). The new PLE advances classify Web 2.0 and social media platforms as a tool for education (Johnson and Liber, 2008). Furthermore, in other terms, they can be described as learning environments …show more content…

The role of the teacher is to provide a meaningful learning environment that is individualized for the learner (Subban, 2006).
According to Ibrahim (2017) “The theoretical framework for personalized learning includes a constructivist perspective, with the teacher functioning as the MKO and assisting the students through the ZPD by keeping in mind the students’ academic background and learning styles”. Finally, social interactions inside or outside their environment with “more knowledgeable others” (MKOs) help the students in their Personal Learning environments. ii. Knowledge