Personal Narrative

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When I was little, I imagined myself as a normal human being, just like the others. Everything I remember about my past is black and white. There was a deep fog covering me from others. As I advanced in my education, things became clearer as if I just got a new pair of glasses. What I saw through these specs were a nightmare. I'm sitting on my bed, next to the window with pure light piercing through. I looked out the window, see the fragile wind scraping the trees and a valley behind it. What stood out more than the beautiful trees was my ugly self. The one who ruined me. Everyday turned into a gloomy day with dark rain clouds. Sooner or later, it would approach the view of the trees and disrupt the placid. The rain with endless drops of despair. …show more content…

I always hear this body crying and quitting at most unintentional times. It’s like the yin yang where both are the same but yet very different aspects. My head is what exposes me from a crowd. People would make fun of it all the time. I recall them saying, “Oh look, it’s an alien from asia.” It hurts me mentally and stretches my pain. However, my will was not affected whatsoever. I couldn’t argue against those people because I only manage to get rid of the fog but not the darkness. My mouth was unnurtured for these types of situations and wasn’t taught to be rude to …show more content…

I hate myself for not being strong and normal like the others. Why am I so different. Why am I so weak.” If there was one simple wish it were to be normal like them.
“You should be glad for who you are and not compare yourself to others.” Replied inner will. “Learn to accept yourself and it’s your special identity to stay truthful.”
“You're right, I should be happy with what have that others don't.” Answered me. “I should also be content that I still have a family, a home, friends and a life with no suffering.”
I finally opened my eyes with my new cleansed pair of specs and see a whole new world. The reflection of me in the window was a beautiful person. At last, the trees and can be seen without a nightmare blocking the glass pane. The view of eternal happiness is what makes me motivated to live life to the fullest and not let the view be polluted. I have learned my own strengths and weaknesses which makes my life more valuable than before. I know what I’m capable of and not. The feeling from this view, I can do anything. The real me is hiding from myself. I have manage to break the barriers to reach my true