Personal Narrative: A Day In High School

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In our neighborhood most houses had younger kids around my age, and on Halloween a girl named Katie Peters and I met and we trick-or-treated. While we were trick-or-treating our parents talked and obviously became friends like Katie and I. After that we played, hung out, and went to the same pre-school, we also went to kindergarten together. We also ended up going to the same elementary school too. In first grade at recess, Katie Peters, who I thought was my friend, came up to me and exclaimed,"You're a jerk, and I suggest you should stop breathing." It was a very scary and awkward moment for me. Katie was my friend well, best friend at the time, which hurt even worse. Back in first grade there were groups...but not like popular, …show more content…

I had no one with me, of course but after recess, I didn't sit alone, but no one really...talked to me. The school day went on, of course I never told anyone because it was embarrassing. I soon got home and didn't say anything about my horrific day. The next day at school, I finally got the courage to tell my teacher about the student, worst part the student was in my class too. I whispered to Mrs. Olma which was my teacher at the time. Mrs. Olma answered me "let me know if it happens again, also make sure that your parents know about the incident." After that I just pretended like it was a normal day, at recess nothing happened, at lunch nothing happened. I wondered maybe she talked to Katie. Or maybe Katie just only said that once? Questions were going through my brain. That night I decided to tell my parents and they will speak to Katie's parents. The next day during free read times Mrs. Olma handed me a piece of paper and asked me to hold up the piece of paper. Soon, students were raising their hands and saying nice words about like, your sweet, I love your shirt, your beautiful, many phrases and words like that. I wrote what people commented on the blank piece of paper. After that I showed my parents the

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