
Personal Narrative: Lunch At School

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Lunch was the best time for me during school, you get to eat food, talk to your friends without teachers yelling at you, or simply do anything you want. I spent most of my time sitting with all ten of my friends and mutual friends. I always never got much food from the hot lunch, and never brought food from home either.
Lunch was either at 11:03 or 12:21 depending on your grade, I had lunch at 12:21. The class before lunch which was from the 11:03 to 12:21 always felt like the longest because you’re sitting there hungry with a grumbling stomach just waiting to eat something. The worst was when you could smell the food coming from the kitchen.
There was a lot of people at two tables we had pushed together. The people I mostly sat next to where my three friends Derick, James and Nate. They were my three closest at school, I still talk to all three even though we don’t go to the same …show more content…

I always ate something better after school whether it was Subway, pizza or another take-out place or sometimes I just went home. Not saying that the food at school was bad considering it was private and they don’t have to follow some the government laws.
Most of the food they served at school wasn’t too bad, but sometimes it could be good or bad depending on was for lunch that day. They always had good to snacks from different chips to Little Debbie snacks such as Nutty Bars, Oatmeal Creme Pies, etc. They also had good drink choices such as Oakhurst products, Capri Suns, and even Simply Orange and Lemonade. I mostly went with water depending on what I was eating. A lot of people went with the Capri Suns and water.
Since I went to private Catholic school they most of the people there would just mind their own business and not bother you, so I never had to deal with any bullies or anything like that. Most people who did bully didn’t last long. We did have fun of course, but we always knew it was fun, and not someone

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