Personal Narrative: A Woman And Her Hair

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There she stands, looking in the mirror, with her naturally kinky long auburn hair. Her clothes are as pale as the skin that lies beneath them; her bleached white cotton long-sleeved nightgown flows with every move she makes. Her petite body, thin, frail and full of freckles, stands there lifelessly. She bends down to open a drawer filled with coal colored ponytail holders and russet colored headbands. She pushes the headband into her locks of auburn kinks and proceeds to pull the remainder of her hair into a ponytail. Unpleased, she removes the ponytail holder and starts again until her hair is perfect. She grabs her tooth brush and starts brushing her already perfectly white teeth. She rushes her teeth for exactly five minutes to ensure that she has reached every inch she could possibly brush. Once done, she cups both of her dainty hands under the faucet to catch enough water to rinse her mouth. She ever so slightly sips the water from the cup of her hands, swishes it in her mouth, and leaves …show more content…

She grabs the soap that lays nicely on the tiny little shelf above her. She rinses her face and lathers the bar of soap. She reaches up and moves her soap covered hands in precise small circular motions around her face. She does this until every inch of pale freckled skin is covered in a thin layer of soap. She then rinses the soap off, grasps the towel beside her, and dabs the water from her face. Once done, she proceeds to observe herself in the mirror. She stares at the color of her kinky hair, the freckles on her nose, the wrinkles that have starting forming and the paleness of her skin. After observing the blandness of herself, she frowns at her reflection and looks down at the floor reaching her hand up to turn out the light. She flicks the switch, but has to check three more times to ensure that the switch has been pushed all the way down. Once satisfied, she slowly drags her delicate feet to her bedside for some