Personal Narrative: An Interview With A RA

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Over the weekend I interviewed a Platteville RA (Resident Assistant), because they generally have good advice to incoming classes. RA’s deal with any problem on their wing or the whole building when on call. Zach Hahn is the RA on the eastside of Southwest Hall on floor three. Scheduling an interview with this popular man was challenging, although the interview was brief he shared some valuable information. Incoming freshman should know what happens when a student must be written up, why the first month of school is the busiest time, and lastly what is the best part about being a RA. The first question I asked Zach was what is the process of writing someone up? He told me it is an effortless process for the RA, but for the person getting written up not so much. All Zach has to do is fill out a form describing why the person is getting written up then his job is done. The slip is turned into the RD(Resident Director), who sets up a meeting with the rule breaker and then during the meeting is when they decide what happen. Most people would go to the RA to try to get out trouble, but Zach said one he turns the slip in “then it is out of my control and the RD and central staff decide what happens. After knowing the process, I ask how does someone get written up. Zach stated the individual must break a Southwest Hall policy. Overall …show more content…

RA’s share their opinions about how they can help in any situation. If they cannot help with a situation, their knowledge of all the resources around campus will help. The information Zach shared in this interview was mainly basic knowledge Freshman or Transfer students may not know. Now they know the process of being written up, how crazy the first month is, and some bright sides of being an RA. Zach wanted people to remember one thing, “remember we are always her to help, if you come to us you will either leave with a solution or another resource for

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