Definition Essay On Success

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“Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do.” ~Pele

Success is something that everyone strives for, yet there is no definitive explanation of what success is. Unique to each individual, success can be achieved through an array of approaches. Devoting myself to the job of residence life advisor (RLA) this past year and gaining acceptance to the Atlantic Veterinary College’s doctor of veterinary medicine program has proven to me that everyone succeeds in their own way.
Returning to UPEI this past August for my second year of college, I would almost say I was more nervous than my first. As one of six RLAs in the building who would collectively be responsible for over one-hundred students that would soon be arriving I knew I had a lot to learn and prepare for. The ten days before the students’ arrival were spent in countless informative training sessions, mock situations, and team bonding. One such bonding activity was a ropes course where …show more content…

As unique as we all are, so are the journeys we must take to see our accomplishments through. Watching my fellow RLAs attending to situations with residents I have learned to see their point of view and often a better approach than what I would have done. Everyday my residents teach me to see how unique their goals are whether it be to study more, make new friends, eat better, or publish their first poem. Each of these people take their unique paths and include one another, using the support to further their dreams and aid others in doing so as well. I myself have seen how important it is to recognize the complexity of success and I hope that I have passed that knowledge on to those around me. In a year of great change, I have once again found a home away from home at UPEI and am constantly learning the lessons that are modeling me into the person I