Personal Narrative: Basketball Vs. Franklin

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It was the week before we vs Franklin in our championship game and this was actually my first time playing for an actual championship and they had so many different rules then city volleyball it was a bit hard to learn and remember all the rules but I got it down pretty well after a few games and practices. We actually won all of our games except 3 to make it to the championship game. I loved my teammates, they all worked really hard to call the ball and help each other out through stuff all of our practices went well and everything but it kinda sucked because even before the championship, we lost against Franklin twice so we were pretty nervous to hear that they won and we were going to be versing them. My coach kept saying, “Bella …show more content…

While I tried to get good sleep the night before my game I kept getting negative vibes like you won 't make it or you 're gonna lose but all I wanted and needed was to be positive. Then I woke up the next morning feeling greater than ever now I had a good feeling we would play well! I got to school and waited and waited till it was time to get on the bus and leave to Franklin Middle School.
The bus ride was fun we sang and just had a lot of fun when we got there we started warming up I was actually pumped to of made it too the championship game. We started to play, but the people from Franklin that were in the crowd were so annoying they were really trying to mess us up. I wasn 't going to listen to them because I was so proud of us to make it to the championships. When I got up there to the server 's position I started getting nervous that I would hit it to high.
I could hear my coach in the background saying “just breathe Bella you 've got this we 've worked on it your good.” My hand got a little lower as I swung and hit the ball up in the air it went over without touching the ceiling I was so proud of myself then as we played longer and longer the games were closer and closer in score, we won two and they won two, so this last one whoever won wins, we were really close and had to go over 25 points because we kept getting a point when they were at 25 but you have to be 2 points