Personal Narrative: Deeper Meaning Of My Name

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Society has taught us that there is a hidden or deeper meaning to almost every aspect, from an everyday quote like “Don’t judge a book by its cover ” that teaches individuals not to judge others unconsciously without being perceived into who they legitimately are. To English lessons on Mondays through Fridays of constant attempts on figuring out a statements substantial context. Taking symbolism as an example, a word that we all have been exposed to and a word that indicates the use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.Just like symbolism individuals and students around the world have also been exposed to Figurative Language, where one is challenged into studying a word or sentence in order to obtain its deeper meaning; however, let’s …show more content…

For instance, the word “Date” into consideration is an acronym to “Day and time evolution,” shocking right! Therefore, being aware of this process.. what if one’s name was an acronym and had a deeper meaning than what is shown? In this instance, I have been gifted into having a numerous amount of letters, to better signify my personality traits. Coincidently, the commencement of my name is my strongest trait that identifies me enormously; Therefore, if my name were an acronym my head letter K would imply “Kind-hearted.” This trait is not only a trait that I have chosen for myself, but a trait that close people have identified me as. I believe that being kind-hearted is a very vital source in my everyday life because it allows me to live in harmony with myself while also granting others a …show more content…

I believe that motivation is everything, and it is what keeps a individual going. Motivation is what keeps me going and it constantly keeps me hungry for the future. It’s a strong feeling that creates a extensive impact on one’s outcome, and as for me personally. Without motivation you wouldn’t strive for success, and success is a vital factor that we all want to achieve. The fourth letter of my name that also identifies me tremendously is “B” for balanced. As a human being we come across many aspects that we need to get done .. students like me need to get assignments completed, and adults need to get work matters completed. However, many students do not know how to balance their time from getting assigned homework etc done, and still be able to get chores or other matters completed. That’s when being balanced comes to mind.. Sometimes we as human beings need to stay organized in order to be balanced in all matters and get aspects done in a efficient manner, this is a quality that I find myself to be decent at. I don’t fail to be organized, and I keep in touch with my responsibilities