
Personal Narrative: Emma's Journey

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Why must we walk in this insufferable heat! Is all the runs through my head. We have been on the wagon train for months, and yet California seems farther away than before. My name Martha Glenson and for the last four month my family has been apart of a wagon train headed for California because Pa was hoping to participate in the Homestead Act. We started out so hopeful and excited for adventures, how nieve we were. The trail is dusty and hot, the oxygen tired and hungry, half of the men at this point in our journey spend the morning still drunk from the prior event, Pa being one of them. We are always in harm's way, danger waits at any point along the trail, from Indians to snakes, even heat exhaustion, this trip has become hell itself. For …show more content…

But what was a family of five soon became 4 within a week of your journey. Emma came down with a fever that spread like fire through the families claiming 4 children, Emma one of them. With her death, Ma falling into deep depression, she wouldn't eat or talk just stare out the wagon opening. As the days passed she grew weaker, we all feared to lose her too, but after some time things were looking brighter, she was eating again and talking to us. The reason for her deciding to live we do to her having a baby, we were all overjoyed, yet in Ma’s weakened state concern for her well being was justified. Less than a week after the news, Ma becomes violently ill and death claimed her for his own. I cried for days as did the twins, yet they tried to convince us they were fine and stated that men don't cry. Pa took Ma’s death the hardest causing him to become distant and drown his sorrows with a bottle of the devil's juice. Ma choices know fell to me, I was in charge of the cooking, cleaning and taking care of the boy’s. This trip that was supposed to help our family, what started so hopeful of new beginnings and love has turned out to be the worst

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