
Personal Narrative Essay: Kill Bear

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My amazing ,but busy summer To think that most people sit on the couch and watch tv all summer ...did you? ..Well I didn’t. I would say that my summer was pretty exciting. As school end I was finishing packing my bags because the next day we were going to Kill Bear. Kill Bear is a camping place up by Sudbury we had never went before , but my cousins who live in North Bay had. We all planed to go since May. My mom couldn’t come which was kind of disappointing. but on the good side my grandma and grandpa were excited to go since they got a new trailer to test out ,and my cousins who live in North Bay were going as well. The drive was a long 3 hour drive but it was totally worth it ,we saw some petty amazing things a long the way. The only bad thing was we lost our bikes. My Dad was pretty mad but he got over it. When we got there we found our camping spot and parked our trailer. We didn’t realize it until we …show more content…

There trailer was pretty nice inside and outside , it had a slide and a tree fort on the lot. The next day we went for a long hike It was a beautiful walk .when you got to the end of the trail you could see over all the trees ,For a minute when you look out at all the trees it takes your breath a way and gives you a thrill full fright. When we where done we want to check out this other cool spot, and trust me it was cool. This place was a water fall it was so pretty and that wasn’t even part of it , the best part was you got to swim in it and under the water fall. The water so chilling and icy that I was shivering when I got out .The next day we went back home on the ferry. I got so sea sick on the ferry I all most threw up it was that bad. It was late when we arrived at home and I was so tired I went to bed in my clothes and didn’t even

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