Personal Narrative: Field Safety School

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When I was ten years old I my father took me out hunting with him and he told me it was time to. Get your hunters licences so that you could hunt by yourself and get your first buck. So my father and my mother and I took about a week to look for a hunters safety class and we found one in Alpena Michigan on the sportsman club road. So my Mom and Dad signed me up and in about a month or so I was heading to my first class. It was tough because, I did not want to let my parents down. So I had to go and there was a couple of my friends in that class as well. We had excitement to learn. We as a class learned all about the rules about the hunters saftey way and we were given a book to read learn and study from and it turns out. That book would. I could tell this class would either be a breeze or be a headache. But I had to pass I had no …show more content…

So I knew that this little sportsmen club in alpena would give me a run for my brain. All that was going through my mind was that I had to pass and make my parents proud. Some days all that I could remember from the class is that I would turn right, right before the airport and then turn on the gravel road and sit. In a class for four hours hours that I had been wishing I was at home. My mother always went with me to the class and she was brave she took me if the class was in day or night. At the classes now we were starting to get homework and get lots of information flowing through our brains. So for about three weeks we always had homework and or we had to get more information. Sometimes we would get to have a speaker come in and show us how to skin a deer or trap a mink. But, we always had fun towards the end of the week the instructor told the class the test will be in about a week. I had butterflys going throught my stomach flurries nervousdness coomming throught my mind. This was all I could think about for a