
Personal Narrative: First Day Of Middle School

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First Day of Middle School Beep Beep, Beep Beep, my eyes shot open. I tried to stand up, but I just fell back into my bed saying I can do this. I finally got up and walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that I looked in the mirror and my hair is in a rat's mess, then I go back in my room grab my brush and make sure my hair is perfectly srate. I look in the mirror and make sure I looked good, and then I head out the door and go to the bus stop. Right after I get to the bus stop like three seconds later, the bus gets there I thought it was magical! On the bus I sit by myself because i didn’t feel like sitting next to another kid so I looked for a set with nobody in it and sat there so I sat there and put my backpack next to me. When I get to school I walk up to this older girl and ask “where do i go?” She said “you can into the cafeteria, or …show more content…

So I went back to the office to get another schedule I was looking for my locker. Then I noticed that the locker in the green hallway that I assumed to be the 7th grade hall ways had the number at the top so I go down to hallways looking for 684 there was no 684 in the Orange hallway which I assumed to be the 8th grade hallway. so I go up to this guy and ask him where my locker is and he says it’s in the blue hallway so that didn’t help me because there were no number on the lockers in the blue hall ways . So I go to ask the other guy and he shows me where it is and does it for me and then I only have five minutes of class then when she shows the planner I rased my hand and said I don’t have that she calls the office and then I have go down there again get my the planner and the go back to class. at that time I wanted to crawl in a ball and cry. At the end of class I go up to her and say “ i’m so sorry.”she interrupts me and says it’s okay. Then I smiled And she smiled back at

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