The Importance Of Gratiot Road

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You first open the door and walk outside of the classroom. You then turn right and continue to walk. Once you reach Mrs. Pedelty’s room turn left. Then turn right once you are at the library. You then walk straight; you will reach two doors. You open the door. You turn right, and open the door. You continue walking straight, for there is another door. You open the door and walk outside. You see your truck, so you walk towards it. You go to the left and open the door. You get inside; You sit down. Then you close the door. You grab your key; You then insert it into the ignition. You turn the key halfway, for you must wait for the glow plugs to turn off. You then turn it all the way, so you can start your car. You and Oliver will drive at the speed limit down Maple …show more content…

When you are going left make sure to look both ways, so there are no cars are coming. As you go down Gratiot Road there will be a stop light; You will make a complete stop if it is red. The stop light is right by Mcdonald’s. Once it is green you step on the gas pedal, and you continue down Gratiot. You and Oliver will keep driving down Gratiot. Once you reach Gratiot and Fordney you stop; You will then turn left. You and Oliver are now driving down Fordney Road. You will drive down the road at the speed limit, for you want to be safe. You will be halfway down the road and you will reach a railroad track; you will stop if a train is coming. You and oliver will drive down the road with the pie next to you. You will pass lots of houses; Until you get to my house. You will get further down the road, and you will find my house. On the left there is a house in the woods,for you will turn there. You will turn into a driveway with an address that is 2801 S. Fordney Rd. Hemlock Mi; the driveway is made of dirt and rocks. You will turn slightly to the left once you're in the driveway, and then you will turn right. You can back in the turn around in our driveway, or you can pull up all the way up our