Personal Narrative: From Rams To Los Angeles

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Going up a sports fan in St. Louis was hard at times. While we have the opportunity cheer on three separate teams with the Cardinals, Rams, and Blues. Over the years I fell more in love with the Rams football team. This love came from going to all the home games with my father and grandfather, even when they were away the three of us would still go out to lunch to watch the game together. While this opportunity I had through the Rams created a great boding opportunity for not only my father and I but as well as with my grandfather. After hearing the news that the team was leaving, I became devastated with the owner and the team in general. Then my business education showed me why the owner wanted to move the team, and it finally made sense to me. …show more content…

Louis Rams to Los Angeles created hated towards the owner who grew up in Missouri, it created sadness throughout the state and city, however from a business standpoint it was a great move by the owner. While it coat Stan Kroenke the owner of the Rams $550 millions to move the team to Los Angeles, the move had created frenzy in the business of moving the team. While it seems to be an ample amount of money to move the team Kroenke made that money and more back in the same week of the finalization of the move, due to the increased value of the franchise by itself. A representative of Forbes stated the move doubled the team’s value. Rising it from $1.45 billion to $2.9 billion. Forbes posts a list every year of the order of the most valuable teams in football this past year the Rams were rank 28th, now this ranking should jump higher on next years