Personal Narrative: Growing Up In A City

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Growing up in a city that was full of drugs, violence and gangs I knew the only way it was going to get better is to help. Personality I have lived in peace in Salinas but I have seen friends who fall in the hands of gangs. I hated the fact that one of my best friend from elementary who use to be very calm, very kind, is now sitting behind bars for the rest of his life. For that reason I knew I had to make the community better so I choose to help by doing community hour in various places. The only ways that I see possible to help a city that is fully of crime is to make sure the young don 't fall into gangs. Having this mindset I decide to help the young. My dad got into coaching the youth about four years to eight so I saw this as an opportunity to help him and the kids he coaches. …show more content…

Not only do I help them strive in their soccer performance but I also get the chance to teach them what 's right and wrong. I get the opportunity to help any kid in anyway not just in the sport. I have help for about three years now with the same group of kids and plan not to stop because it means that they really enjoy the sport, they find it appealing. If I can continue to keep their mind set on the sports I can continue to drag them away from all the violence the city has. I have to start somewhere if I want things to change in my hometown, the 30 plus kinds i help coach is only the beginning. I want to help other organization that focus on the young so that one day salinas came be a city that doesn 't have so much violence to the point that if affects just about