Personal Narrative: Growing Up In The Land Of 10, 000 Lakes

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Growing up in the “Land of 10,000 Lakes” has been quite the honor. But, I can effortlessly state that my greatest interest has always been the ocean. From the first time I encountered an aggregation of manatees in Key West, knowing I had to expand my knowledge of aquatic life was a must.
Ever since I was five years old, any visit to the ocean was a gift I had been delighted to receive. Taking those first steps towards the intense waves, and having the saltwater sway between my toes is the epitome of perfection. The first time I visited Key West with my family, was the best week of my life. While eating at a dockside restaurant, I noticed a commotion in the water. I bent down, knees throbbing from the uneven dock wood, and reached my hands