Personal Narrative: Growing Up With Anxiety

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To say growing up with anxiety is hard would be quite the understatement. It is undeniably one of the hardest challenges to be faced and what feels to be unconquerable nine times out of ten. The one good thing about it is, is that it gave and still gives me something to fight for; happiness. The big, yet simple thing I remember when the going gets tough, is that the battle is in my mind, and I have to choose to be stronger than my emotions to take the struggle away. In order to reach the peak you're aiming for, you have to start at the bottom of the mountain, and slowly hike up to succesfully make it there. As an anxious little girl who is just barely learning how to read, you don't really know how to go about something as consuming as anxiety. I didn't understand the constant worries, the fears that my mind created, and the asthma attacks and tears, and come to think of it, there wasn't always a definite reason. I did and do know of one thing, without the love I received from my family, friends, and especially my mom, I wouldn't be where I am today. …show more content…

I have gone through the "It's too hard" phase, the "I give up" phase, all the way through the "I can do this" phase. But the thing about it is, is that I have always been too determined to let it get the best of me. I've taken different things, talked to many people, tried an endless amount of help and ideas, and never lost hope that I would find success. Because of that optimism, I found all the tools I needed to live a happier life. No my anxiety isn't perfect, but i'm not either, and I believe that that is how it should be to make me,