
Personal Narrative: Hi, Im Bean The Ghosts

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(Draft #1) Hi, im Bean the ghost, i was abandoned by my parents when i was 8 months old. I was left at these old peoples house that i really hate. I have lived in Michigan for my whole life and now im 17 years old and the only friend i have is a jelly bean jar, his name is Jammy. He sometimes gives me jelly beans and it reminds me of eating little kids. Anyways im here to tell you about how my life changed by a little boy named Flib. I was in my room on a cold, wet, happy day when I saw one of those cars as the humans call them pull into the driveway that i have never seen before. I immediately inspected who was in the car, it was a family of 3 young children and a mother and father. They looked really relieved that they were here and …show more content…

His JPEG. mom told him to be quite and they went to sleep. I told Jammy about what was going on. He said that i should show myself to Flib to try to scare him. I didn't know if thats very nice but i will try. So the next day i woke up from a nice sleep, i waited all day until Flob was finally alone because his parents left him alone for a few minutes. I floated behind him and yelled "Boo!" He made the loudest scream i have ever heard and i felt terrible to i went back to my house to see how i can it up to him. I decided to show him that i didn't want to be enemies but instead friends. That night i snuck into his room and was talking to him in his sleep telling him to not worry and dont be afraid, i just wanted to be his friend. He woke up the next morning and tried to explain that a voice was in his dream but his parents didn't understand and besides, they would never believe him. I went a couple of weeks without talking to Flib but i knew i had to do something because they have destroyed my house at least 30 times. I found him downstairs watching tv so i made myself visible to him and said "Hi Flib, im Bean" "Be-Bean!" Pronounced Flib. "Yah that's my name! I want to be your friend. “Maybe we can be buddies?" I asked. "Yes y-yes" Pleaded Flib. The next day i saw Flib trying to explain to …show more content…

His mom told him to be quiet and they went to sleep. I told Jammy about what was going on. He said that I should show myself to Flib to try to scare him. I didn't know if that's very nice, but I will try. So the next day I woke up from a nice sleep, i waited all day until Flib was finally alone because his parents left him alone for a few minutes. I floated behind him and yelled "Boo!" He made the loudest scream I have ever heard and i felt terrible until i went back to my house to see how I can it up to him. I decided to show him that I didn't want to be enemies but Instead friends. That night I snuck into his room and was talking to him in his sleep, telling him to not worry and don't be afraid, i just wanted to be his friend. He woke up the next morning and tried to explain that a voice was in his dream, but his parents didn't understand and besides, they would never believe him. I went a couple of weeks without talking to Flib but I knew I had to do something because they have destroyed my house at least 30 times. I found him downstairs watching tv so I made myself visible to him and said "Hi Flib, im Bean" "Be-Bean!" Pronounced Flib. "Yah that's my name! I want to be your friend. “Maybe we can be buddies?" I asked. "Yes y-yes" Pleaded Flib. The next day I saw Flib trying to explain to

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