Personal Narrative: How Knew Things Affected My Life

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Everything was great in my life, until one small thing effected my life and changed it forever, I thought it would effected my negatively, but really, if I could go back, I wouldn’t change a thing. Knew things were introduced, new people, and more experiences. I was anxious and didn’t know what would come from it. Or what caused it. Or what would happen to me and my sister. When I was 7 when my parents broke up. First, my dad moved to a family friends extra house, we called it the cottage. There was a lake, a trail in the woods and they had 4 dogs, I was in a dreamland. I adored going in the woods. It gave me so much joy. Then one day, my dad introduced us to Jamie. She was so much fun and I cherished her and still do. We would play nerf guns and Super Mario Brothers. She got used to having kids really fast. Then one day, we moved out and moved to another house. And everything started falling into place. …show more content…

She put out her hand and said “Have you ever wanted a step-mom?” She sounded happy to get to marry my father, but even more happy that she gets to be part of the family. And to be my mom. “I always thought stepmoms were evil like in the movies.” Added my sister, sarcastically but yet very serious. I remember the wedding. The 3 of us got our hair done together. There was a sense of friendship between us. And just Jamie, my dad, my sister Sophie, and I were the only ones in the wedding. It was so