Personal Narrative: Hunting For The First Time

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On the 5th and 6th of february 2016 I went hunting for the first time I was thinking what it was going to be like and I was scared because I have seen a deer stand and they are very high. At first Steve and I both overslept so we left at 5:00 instead of 4:00 to go hunting. The first thing we do is breakfast then shower then we get unscented clothes on. Then we go to the place we are hunting at and put on camouflage clothes when we get where we are hunting you need to be very quiet. You haft to sit for a long time like 2 to 4 hours when you are done hunting you go back to your car or truck and go home then you take of the hunting cloths and put on your regular clothes. When I went hunting we sow some dear but we could not shoot them. And

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