Personal Narrative: Whitetail Deer Hunting

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It was a sunny afternoon we are at the farm in Hillman. I was waiting to go whitetail deer hunting. My dad was talking to his friend Buzz for a very long. Finally my dad was done talking and we started walking out to the edge of a barley field. I was using my dad 's 270. My dad and I climbed into the wooden blind that is my uncles . The deer blind has a big hole in the roof where the tar paper has blown off there 's a lot of rappers We did not see anything. Then I saw him. I told my dad thayer‘s a dig 8 pont . I wanted for it to bold sied. 1 more step and boom. He went down.I was so excited. We went over to the deer. We went and got. uncle ‘Brien and a knife.I could my mom. I told my mom i got one.

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