Arguments Against Animal Rights

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Animal rights has been controversial and the most debatably issue since time memory till date. This issue can be arguable trace since the genesis of civilization. How should we treat non-human animals? We sometime find strong moral status in them, but we usually repudiate them any kind of moral prestige. Are they not deserved any rights? It is right for a human being to own, slaughter, imprison or even skin any other creature rather than human? This issue, if not a carcass but it is serious, that need proper attention. Many philosophical groups have spoken and developed theories about animal right. The theories are; indirect theories ((deny animals moral status or equal consideration with humans due to a lack of consciousness, reason, or autonomy. Ultimately denying moral status to animals, these theories may still require not harming animals, but only because doing so causes harm to a human being 's morality.). 2. Direct but unequal theories (accord some moral consideration to animals, but deny them a fuller moral status due to their inability to respect another agent 's rights or display moral reciprocity within a community of equal agents. Arguments in this category consider the sentience of the animal as sufficient reason not to cause direct harm to animals. However, where the interests of animals and humans conflict, the special properties of being human such as rationality, autonomy, and self-consciousness accord higher consideration to the interests of human