Was King Henry A Hero Essay

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Was King Henry a hero or a fraud? I believe that King Henry was a hero because he showed many traits of it and proved himself to be a hero with many acts. King Henry showed leadership and courage, he also earned his soldiers trust and showed them that he was trustworthy himself. He also promised his soldiers that he would fight with them and he kept that promise. First, I believe King Henry shows leadership to his troops by encouraging them to go into battle with him. “{c}ry, God for Henry, England, and Saint george!” (Shakespeare). Saying this he was showing he believed God was on their side and they were going to win. It also showed that he was with them, helping them fight. He made the soldiers believe that they could win, therefore, making him a good leader. As well as showing good leadership skills King Henry gains his troops' trust. …show more content…

He showed trust but he also was trustworthy. He told his soldiers that he would fight in the front lines alongside them, and he did. “{o}nce more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the wall up with our English dead”(Shakespeare) this shows he was willing to sacrifice his life for his fellow soldiers and fight alongside them. As well as earning trust and being trustworthy, King Henry also fought alongside his soldiers. Lastly, King Henry made a promise to his fellow soldiers in his powerful speech that he would fight right beside them. “And upon this charge Cry ‘God for Harry, England, and Saint George!” This shows that he was not only fighting with them, but he was drawing his sword and fighting in front of them. The text also states that he was saying if you fight for him and your country that God would be on your