Personal Narrative: Hy-Vee

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J. R. R. Tolkien always said, “ Not all those who wander are lost”, but that’s not always true for me. One day I was wandering around in Hy-Vee and got lost. Then,I couldn 't find my mom just because I was looking for something to eat.
It was a normal day, like any other, when my mom and I went to Hy-Vee to get some grocery shopping done for the week. During the car ride there my mom and I were talking, and I said, “I’m hungry. Can I get something to eat at Hy-Vee?” “Sure.“ Mom said. The car ride took about twenty minutes to get to Hy-Vee. Once we arrived, we walked in the door and my mom says, “If you want, you take take this ten dollar bill and walk around and find whatever snack you want to eat..” With alacrity I say, “I will, mom.” “Be sure to be back at the front doors by 2 O’clock.” …show more content…

The ambiance of Hy-Vee was immensely sad, because the music heard on the overhead speaker was solemn and depressing. Anyhow, I went to get a drink of water at a ragged water fountain. The button on the water fountain was felt very sticky, and the water tasted like plastic and It was kind of gross. So, I decided to go back and start off at the cereal aisle, because it was the closest one. At first when I was walking through it, it oddly smelled like oatmeal, then it started to smell like frijoles or beans. They had stuff like Apple Jacks, Wheaties, and Lucky charms, but I don’t really like cereal. So when I got to the end and there was nothing that I wanted. I just went to the next

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