
Creative Writing: Not So Sneaky Snake

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Maya Rainey Mrs. Foreman Humanities ¾ Oct. 27 2017. Not-so Sneaky Snake I woke up on a Monday to a cold foggy day, (which is not surprising in the state of Washington.) and i was feeling very moody. Like the type of moody where i want to just do bad things. And when i went to change, i decided to take and wear my moms high heels,wear all black, with black eye shadow, and were a makeshift chocker. And i was in such a daring mood, that i even decided to strut down the sidewalk. When i saw my friend Isabella, i ran up to her and she asked, “What’s with the chocker?” And i said, “I’m just feeling a little like causing mischief today. Like i dont care about anything. And that’s why I’m dressed …show more content…

I’m gonna buy a mug for my mom!” That’s when i realized that my mom gave me 10 dollars for the shop. And i said “I’m gonna try and buy a watch for her. One of the touch screen ones.” And she says, “You realize that those cost 20 dollars right? And you only have ten.” And i say, “Oh well. I guess ill just buy something else.” When I got into the lunch room after saying bye to Isabella and I got in line to get breakfast. When I sat down to eat I sat in some milk and that put me in a bad mood. But at least the warm sausage egg and cheese burrito with a nice warm hash brown and a cold carton of milk helped with that. When I was done I threw my trash away and went to go to class and I guess I was very fast at what I was doing because I was the first one there. Mr. Waddell asked me to help set up and even though I didn’t want to, I still did what he asked. When we were done it was time to get the class, and bring them in. Because you’re my friends asked me what I was doing so early in class and I told them I guess I must’ve eaten too fast and I didn’t know and I bet everyone was in the classroom so I was went to the classroom straightaway. When we got to the classroom the teacher handed out a math warm-up sheet and he told us to do all 30 questions on in the next 10 …show more content…

And when it came time to share, he called on me and I couldn’t share because I didn’t do all the questions. When I said “Uh... I can’t share because I’m not done.” And he must have been very mad, because he gave me a processing form, and sent me to Mrs Mayfarths room. When i heard her name, its like my whole world fell apart. The last thing that i needed that day was to have to fill out a processing form in front of Mrs. Mayfarth. And since i didnt want to risk her being disapointed in me, i decided to fill it out in front of the classroom. When i was done i gave it to the teacher and then he called out, “ if you have money, then line up to go to the shop!” And since i had money, i got in line next to my friend Juan. As we were walking to the shop Juan asked me what i was getting and i said, “im gonna try and get a watch. But i only have 10 dollars. So i might just try to steal one.” All of a sudden he goes dead silent and looked at me with eyes as big as saucers, and says “You shouldnt do that! What if you get caught? Youll get in major trouble! Like, suspended! Dont do

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