Personal Narrative: I Am Hannah Wolf

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I am Hannah Wolf, and I am not defined by my circumstances. I am not defined by my intelligence. I am not defined by my looks. I am not defined by my past. I am not defined by the unfortunate events that have occurred in my life, most notably the death of my mother in 2013. I should not be pitied because I lost someone so dear to me. I am Hannah Wolf and I have faced all of my adversities at full force and I have been successful and I will not stop being successful. I remember the day I returned to school after being absent for a week, no one can develop an adequate time frame for grief. Students looked at me with sad eyes that longed to talk to me about “how are you holding up?” and “let me know if there is anything I can do.” But they didn’t. Those longing eyes remained just that, longing to speak but never …show more content…

My teachers carried on this tradition of overly-sympathetic white lies and whispers of “oh that poor girl,” to their coworkers. I am a junior in highschool now and the days of everyone knowing about the circumstances are over, the challenge of being looked at with pity is now accompanied by the challenge of explaining the situation to new people