If my roommate decided that she wants to start running to improve her cardiorespiratory fitness then I would first show her the many options of going about creating her own fitness program. Firstly she would set her “SMART goals are specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, and time-oriented” (Donatelle, 338). This way she can stay motivated, exercise moderately first and then increase her work load slowly. She can accomplish this by using the FITT principle, which consists of “frequency, intensity, time and type”(338). Since she wants to run to improve her cardiorespiratory fitness, she should start by running about 3-5 days out of the week, as well as keep the timing of her sessions around 20-60 minutes a day, keeping up with the set amount of days and frequency will allow for a smooth transition in …show more content…
It is also good to replace the shoes after “running about 300-500 miles, about 3-9 months of use” because the bottom of the shoe looses traction and the shoe looses its cushioning (347). Another way for my roommate to continue a healthy program throughout the year is to maintain a healthy diet and make sure she drinks plenty of fluids (not always water). It’s important to make sure that my roommate is taking the appropriate nutrients in order to avoid a low blood sugar level before a workout which can weaken her ability to perform to her best level of working out. It is also important that she remains moderately hydrated throughout the day, but she doesn’t have to just drink water, she could also drink chocolate milk which is a great source of “sodium, potassium, carbohydrates and protein” (346). As long as she is conscientious of her routine and diet she will get off to a good start in her cardiorespiratory fitness without worrying about getting