Running For A Change Paper

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PH 90 Tuesday and Thursday
Running for a Change
I. How healthy are you? From my behavior change paper, the main change that I centered around was physical health. The change that I wanted to deal with was emphasized on becoming pleased with my body size and weight. From past experiences, I would be content with my body by being physically active. However, with the transition of environments of being physically active in high school to a college environment where I have a less physical schedule has made me struggle with how I see my body. With this conflict I’m easily accessible to the thought of being distressed and unhappy, so I want to exercise to improve my body and mind (Hellmich, 2013). With the behavior change contract, I have decided …show more content…

Donatelle, I used the SMART system that the book had given. The book stated that I needed to be specific with my health change; I measured my goals so that I could have an attainable objective that I could reach, I needed a realistic mindset to start my behavior change and I needed to have a specific amount of time to reach my goal. With increasing awareness and contemplating change of my behavior change, I had decided to start exercising to become healthier and happier. For preparing for the change, I was specific by running and going to the gym with my friends and family. I measured my exercise by with my phone and notebook whenever I would exercise through running or working out at the gym. I was action oriented with my physical exercise with jogging and sprinting through my neighborhood with my family and playing badminton with my friends. I tried to set realistic goals of working out at the gym on Fridays and running a couple miles on Saturday and Sunday. Along with the realistic goal, my time-oriented goal was a two-month process of running through the semester. My behavior changed concerned my want to be physically fit and to be content with how my body looked and how I saw it. My long-term goal for this behavior change was to run at least 50 miles through the months of October and November. The obstacles that I could see in my life are focused around time management, being lazy and not motivated and not knowing where to start physically and realistically. The strategies that I used to overcome these obstacles were that I was going to wake up earlier to work out, push and force myself to exercise even if it’s not an intense workout, and I would exercise with friends to have it be fun. The resources that I had used to help me change my behavior circled around different aspects. I worked out with friends and family members, I used the Rec center as a school-based resource. For the