Personal Narrative: Jessica Feeney Day

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5 years had passed since the whole Jessica Feeney thing. We 've elected a new (real) president, I 've become better friends with Courtney, and I 'm finishing my last year at high school. I plan on going to college to be a general surgeon despite hearing all those stories from Jeff. Jeff was liar right? I mean, now that I 've finished 4 years of grueling high school I know the smart people words for what Jeff and my 7th grade class did to Jessica. It was social injustice, but mostly it was just flat out mean. For half of my eighth grade year, I thought I would go to seminary school and become a priest because of Jessica. But then I remembered priests can 't get married, and I 'm marrying Courtney!How could I have forgotten that?! Plus, to be a priest, you have to get called and I haven 't got any calls. So to help people like Jessica, I plan on being a general surgeon. Oh boy what a good day today will be, today I graduate, get my high school, diploma, then go out to dinner to celebrate with Courtney and Rich! Ha! …show more content…


"Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!" Our new, stupid, loud, and obnoxious home phone rang as if it were trying tell the world, "Hey everyone! Everyone in the northern hemisphere! It doesn 't matter if it 's 4 AM! Guess what! The Benders have a phone call! Isn 't that