Personal Narrative: Moving Away From My Parent Home

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Living on my own has been a wonderful experience. From an early age I was always taught to be independent. I recently made the decision to move out from my parents home. Although it has a tough transition for my parents, they quickly came to realize that I needed my own space. They knew that I was mature and I could handle being independent. I experienced three consequence living on my own. First, I had to budget my money wisely.
Since I am no longer living with my parents, I have to front the bill for everything!
I have became more conscious about how I spend my money.
I set monthly saving goals of at least $500.
I quickly learned that everything has a price and the cost of living in Chicago is expensive.
My monthly expense budget mainly consist of: rent, …show more content…

I have to manage my own wardrobe. Finally, I experienced the freedom to do what I want.
When I lived at home with my parents, I had a curfew. Now I could leave my apartment and come back when I please and not have to answer to anyone.
I can have guests over for an extended periods of time.
I plan to have a pet in the future, which was not allowed in my parent 's house.
I could decorate my apartment in whatever style I want.
Since I can choose my own bedtime, the sun rises and sets on my time.
I can play my music whenever and however loud I want.
I can also concentrate on reaching my personal goals such finishing school, starting a business, and having a dating life.
Living on my own has been a rewarding experience. There is nothing like having a place of my own. I am in charge and responsible for the decision I make. My consciousness of living independently has taught me about maturity, responsibly and stepping outside my comfort zone. It has also made me appreciate everything my parents has sacrifice to care for me and our household. There is no greater character building exercise than living on my