Personal Narrative: My Cheerleading Program

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Through the four years as a high school cheerleading coach, I developed a new cheerleading program by promoting events and secured sponsors for team expenses, all the while infusing the essence of team work in the members and improvising their techniques. By coaching I have developed strong organizational, communication, and interpersonal skills, in addition to good observational and motivational dexterity. These skills will allow me to effectively schedule sessions, communicate successfully with clients, clients’ caregivers, supervisors, and clinicians. Coaching has enabled me to identify errors and provide realistic feedback, therefore this skill will enhance my performance with my clients by identifying problems and developing solutions to enhance the correct behavior.
From fall 2015 to late spring 2016, I ran the children’s ministry program, GROW, at my church. This program ministered a wide range of children, some of who had learning disabilities and lived in low socioeconomic …show more content…

During these tutoring sessions, I facilitated small group activities emphasizing critical learning by conducting lessons encompassing a series of skill building activities in reading and writing. Moreover, tutoring heightened my skills in lesson planning, development of interactive modules, and verbalizing feedback to students. Together these skills enable me to strategically design sessions tailored to meeting an individual’s needs, which is transferrable across numerous disciplines. Having this experience and obtaining these skills has provided a foundation that will contribute to the development as an impressionable clinician. This experience relates so closely to the field of speech-language pathology as I will be developing goals and activities for future clients, as well as providing verbal feedback that is specific and reinforces