Personal Narrative: My Clinical Observation In The Classroom

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My goal with standard six involved observing how my clinical teacher handled liabilities and how he interacted with co-workers and myself. I felt that it was important to look for these qualities, because they are important in the professional environment. How you handle legal responsibilities is not only important for the school, but also for the students. IEPs need to be addressed so that a quality education can be provided. Also, how a teacher interacts with coworkers can play into their hierarchal place amongst colleagues. It is crucial to have open communication with faculty, so that you gain respect and support. This is also mirrored in how we interacted in each other, since were in a sense coworkers. Thus, I set out to see how my clinical …show more content…

Liabilities were interesting to observe in the classroom. The very first day I observed, I noticed some issues with how grades and IEPS were being handled. For starters, my teacher let me look at online grading records of students. The lowest and highest GPAs, were shown to me and I was allowed to look at their scores in their regular English class as well. I felt uncomfortable doing this, because I had just met him and did not really know the kids well. Also, the first day I came the class went over grades, publically. Each student was able to see their mid-quarter grade on the projection. Both of these occurrences, I felt, was a violation of the student’s privacy. I do not necessarily think it was against the law, or able to be a liability. However, I do feel that it was problematic. I was essentially a stranger, and he was more than willing to show me personal information and …show more content…

Legalities is a huge responsibility to uphold and respect. It is important that you do not disrespect your student’s anonymity. This was not the case with my clinical experience. I do not think laws were broken, but how fast I was able to reach student’s records was scary. On the flip side the coworker environment was healthy. The English department seemed close knit and supportive of each other. Despite the lack of communication my teacher had with me, I did feel that he was supportive and honest with me. He never lied to me or disrespected me. I just think there was a lack of communication. My teacher was overall professional in some senses, but lacking in